Sunday, February 7, 2010

Respect yourself and others

As Daisy Girl Scouts, one of the petals we earn is the "Respect yourself and others" petal.  To earn this one, we invited Dr. Criss, a local pediatric dentist to speak with the girls about taking care of our teeth.  Having healthy teeth is one way to respect yourself!  Dr. Criss brought her big animals with giant toothbrushes so the girls could practice brushing teeth for two minutes! 

We also made some yummy snacks that looked like smiling mouths with teeth using apples slices and marshmallows.  :)

A good time was had by all and the girls each went home with a little goodie bag courtesy of Dr. Jennifer Criss. \

We talked just a bit about respecting others, too.  Contest information was passed out for an art and writing contest being held for no-name-calling week. 

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