Thursday, July 7, 2011

July 7th meeting

Our first meeting of July was so much fun!  12 of our sweet troop members were in attendance.  We took a break from working on our Journey and completed a few requirements for Brownie Try-its tonight.  We played shadow tag and measured shadows outside.  We also designed our dream GS house in teams. 

We  learned the Brownie Smile song and started learning the Cannibal King song, too!  We will be ready for campfires in the fall!

I took photos with my iphone--some with the regular camera feature and some are Hipstamatic prints which give a really cool retro look and feel.  

Olivia entertaining us...
the Hipstamatic view

Children's Museum of Houston

Saturday, June 24th we took the troop on our first out of town field trip!  We had a great time visiting the Children's Museum of Houston.  

We happened to visit on "Superhero Day" so we all started off the day wearing our super-vision glasses we painted at the meeting the week before.  

The Brownie girls earned their "Careers" Try-it patch in the Kidtropolis section of the museum, while the Daisies earned the orange petal "Responsible for what I say and do" on this visit.  I'm so proud of all the girls--we all had a blast!
We even had a great write-up in the local paper.

Check us out in our super-cute new troop t-shirts!