Sunday, November 21, 2010

Brownie Magic!

Yesterday could not have been a more perfect day for our girls to experience a little Brownie Magic!  It was a beautiful crisp fall day at Camp Whispering Pines in Garrison, Texas.  We met at the corner of the NPL and Java Jacks bright and early and headed out to camp.  All in all, 11 of our 16 Brownies got to have a very magical first outing at camp!
( a little side note...these pics were taken with hubby's camera--bleh!)

Here we are. We have arrived!

We had a few minutes for SWAPS while I got the troop checked in at the Lodge.

And then it was time for our Opening Ceremony.

a skit was performed by a group of Juniors for us based on the Brownie tale. 

....I looked in the mirror and saw...MYSELF!

Our first break out session was with the Green Starlettes.

And Ms. Sonja loved the old books in the cabin--this Little Women was published in the early 40's!  No worries, I was a good role model and left it where I found it.  ;)

We then went back to the lodge for a little science magic.  We learned about the 3 states of water:  liquid, solid, and gas.  We watched some experiements, checked it out ourselves and even had a few extra minutes to SWAP again.

after science it was time for lunch---yippee!  Tummies had started growling during Green Starlettes...and that was just the mamas!  We were all ready to EAT! We took up the biggest table in the place.  :)

another quick group shot...

Cool nature bracelets were made from recycled water bottles, duck tape, and our cool nature hike treasures. 

after lunch we had just enough time for a potty break (the girls were NOT impressed with the camp "flushies") and pictures. 

Luckily, after lunch it was time for our Nature Hike.  We had quite a work out, especially since the powers that be forgot to mention that our information had the wrong location printed on it.  We had a pre-hike before our hike!
down, down, down the hill
pose for pics!
looking for items to use on our nature bracelets...

and the walk back up the hill!

Making our super-cool nature bracelets out of recycled water bottle, duct tape, and our hiking treasures.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Investiture Ceremony 2010

We held our Investiture and Rededication Ceremony last night, on November 11, 2010.  We had a great time welcoming our new Daisies, rededicating our returning Daisies, and both our new and bridging Brownies.  A great time was had by all!  Thanks to all the moms who brought the yummy snacks for this special event. 

One of our special Cadette helpers, Megan. 

Our New Daisies!

Our rededicating Daisies!


Our darling Troop #1808!  Seriously, how cute are these girls???

all Brownies
New Brownies!

 Our Brownies who bridged from Daisies!