Saturday, November 21, 2009

Daisy Investiture Ceremony

Our troop is the filled with the most amazing people.  When we had to change venues for our important beginning ceremony everyone just rolled with it--thanks everyone! 

The girls and their families gathered at Mike Moses Middle School in the library (troop leader's second home!) on November 19th.  Bright smiling faces, and Daisy tunics and vests in abundance!  We began with a simple flag ceremony.  The girls then recited the Girl Scout Promise and were called up one at a time to place their petal on our troop daisy, and to receive their official Daisy pin and certificate.  After we sang our Make New Friends, song holding hands in our Daisy Circle, each girl received a small bouquet of daisies.  Everyone seemed to enjoy our reception (thanks to all the moms who brought in yummy goodies!) as we all visited with one another and took pictures galore! 

I am so proud of each of our Daisy girls! 

Our second official meeting...

was held on November 12th at Westminster Presbyterian Church.  Nearly all our girls were there and we made invitations to our Daisy Investiture Ceremony.  We sang songs---including a troop favorite, Make New Friends, learned a simple flag ceremony and practiced for the real deal.  Ooh, we also ate yummy snacks (goldfish!)

holding our hand-made invitations for the Investiture Ceremony!

Veteran's Day Parade

Held in beautiful downtown Nacogdoches on a particularly lovely Saturday morning---sunny, with a bit of Fall crispness in the air....and the cutest girls you've ever seen waving to the crowds!

Until I can get the super-cute slideshow to load, I'll post the pics individually...

our super-cool GINORMOUS patches!  The first patches our troop recieved!

Juliette Gordon Low's Birthday and flood waters rising...

Our first official Daisy meeting was held on Thursday, October 29th at Westminster Presbyterian in the fellowship hall.  Despite the ridiculous weather we had a small but lively bunch that evening as we celebrated the birthday of our founder, Juliette Gordon Low, whose actual birthday is October 31st.   

Juliette Gordon Low, whose nickname was Daisy.

We sang songs, played games, learned about Juliette Gordon Low through making a mini-coloring book and ate cupcakes in honor of Daisy's birthday.  To learn more about Juliette Gordon Low, check out the links on the right of the blog.  She was an amazing woman and an inspiring leader.

A huge thank you to all who ventured out that night as the rain fell in buckets and the lightning danced through the sky. 

In the beginning....

Our girls signed up to be in Girl Scouts in August of this year.  I signed up to be the troop leader (my daughter, Natalie has begged me for a full year to join!) and waited for the list of girls to arrive.  I waited....and waited...and waited.  I called....and called...and called.  Finally, in October...yep, October...the list arrived and we called our first parent meeting. 

Despite the fact that we had to move our meeting to a different area of the church (double-booked w/ the bridge club!) many darling girls and moms showed up! 

Here are the first photos of our troop taken by Miss Sarah, one of our co-leaders. 

Are we a cute bunch, or what?